Sonic the Comic Wiki

The Family, the most notorious insects.

Insects are small creatures that exist on Planet Earth and Mobius. They are extremely numerous and come in many varieties.

Although small insects existed on Mobius for many years, large anthropomorphic insects didn't arrive until Grimer invited them from the Special Zone. Aware that The Syndicate planned to destroy it, the villain tipped off The Family and brought them to the Casino Night Zone.

Before this, ants were seen at the It's Your Shout programme, with one couple concerned about anteaters eating their family. Fleas also wished to gain equal rights and bugged Tails about, causing him to lose a fight against Sleek the Panther. They eventually helped him defeat the villain. Butterflies are extremely numerous across Mobius, non-speaking examples cropping up in many stories to signify the peaceful times on the planet.
