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This large insectoid Badnik was created by Grimer while he was operating out of Metropolis High Security Prison. During the two-part Sonic story Secret Enemy, Grimer successfully hacked into the Kintobor Computer and brought it under his control. Kintobor's corrupted program possessed this advanced Badnik robot and attacked Sonic on the streets of the Metropolis Zone.

The Kintobor Badnik is insectoid in appearance. Its body looks very similar to Dr. Robotnik's Buzzor and Buzz Bomber robots, although larger and has two arms with which to fight. There is a screen on its head which displays Kintobor's face.

Since the robot was being controlled by Kintobor (which was being controlled by Grimer), it could anticipate and counter any and all of Sonic's attacks. Its armour proved to be most resilient as well as it survived having a building falling on it. Sonic eventually realised how to defeat the Badnik - by returning to the Control Centre in the Emerald Hill Zone and shutting Kintobor down. With Kintobor deactivated, the robot stopped functioning and was later destroyed. Although Sonic stopped Kintobor, Grimer's plan to plant surveillance software into Kintobor's mainframe was successful, meaning he could monitor Sonic's every move.
