Sonic the Comic Wiki

Art by Richard Elson


As the Indestructible Bulk.

Doctor Bob Bobble is a scientist from New Tek City. By experimenting with delta radiation, he was able to turn himself (albeit accidentally) into The Indestructible Bulk.


Bobble was a genius who engrossed himself in his work. Unfortunately, others failed to show the same interest in his research and mocked him. His final straw was on New Year's Eve, when a young woman yawned at his future plans and went off to dance with somebody else. Infuriated, Bobble marched back to his laboratory and unveiled his Delta Ray Machine, a device that would give him the build of "a bronzed beach patrol guard". Unfortunately, the machine hit him hard, causing him to drop the remote control. The radiation continued to alter him and Bobble was forced to shut off the machine by crushing its nozzle. Prolonged exposure caused the scientist to grow too much and he had become a bulky monster.

Still keen to get his revenge on the party-goers that mocked him, Bobble returned to the party and ripped a massive bell from a clock tower, showing off his strength. He then hurled it towards the crowd below, causing Sonic the Hedgehog to create an updraft to slow the bell's descent. Angry, Bobble jumped to the ground, aiming to squash Sonic, but the target moved. Mighty the Armadillo volunteered to take on Bobble, but the monster continued to grow, making attacks useless. However, it also meant that "the Bulk" was growing too massive to even move.

Realising that the Bulk was Bobble, Vector the Crocodile headed to Bob's laboratory to find something to help in the fight. He discovered the Delta Ray machine and repaired it, before dragging it back into the city. Reversing its polarity, Vector fired it at Bobble, causing the effects to undo themselves. Soon, intelligence returned to Bobble's brain and the muscular build vanished. Sonic angrily confronted Bobble after destroying his machine, telling him to use his genius to help others. He was then told to lighten up again - it was a party, after all.


  • Bobble and his bulky form is a parody of Bruce Banner and The Hulk.

