Sonic the Comic Wiki

Art by Roberto Corona and Nigel Dobbyn

Zeus was the king of the Gods in Greek mythology. From Mount Olympus, he ruled over the other eleven deities and all of Greece. To exert his authority, he uses lightning bolts and always carries one in his hand.


At some point, Zeus gave birth to Hercules but decided to have him raised on the surface of Planet Earth. Hercules could only take up his rightful place with the other Gods if he could complete twelve labours for Eurytheus of Arcos. Even when Hercules succeeded, Zeus did not deem Hercules ready. It was only when Hercules thanked Amy Rose and Tekno the Canary for saving his life and apologising did Zeus come down and reveal that the "thirteenth" task was to realise that everyone is equal. Zeus then gave his son an instant makeover and took him up to Olympus.

